Senin, 15 November 2010

Bab 2. Tugas-3. Penugasan SUHU Pendempal Bathukmu ... !!!

Petunjuk  :  Sama dengan Tugas-2.
Materi      :  Fungsi & Proses Kerja Peralatan TIK - Brainware.
Pertanyaan :
  1. Komputer baru bisa dioperasikan bilamana memenuhi 3 syarat pokok yang menjadi komponen utamanya. Bilamana tak dipenuhi, ya mana mungkin bisa dipakai. 
  2. Jelaskan perbedaan di antara Brainware, Hardware dan Software !Pertanyaannya, jelaskan 3 syarat pokok yang dimaksud !
  3. Siapakah-apakah Brainware Komputer itu  ?
  4. Sebutkan minimal 3 peran khusus  Brainware Komputer sebagai Produsen sekaligus Vendor !  Contohnya ?
  5. Sebutkan minimal 3 peran khusus  Brainware Komputer sebagai Distributor alias Vendor !  Contohnya ?
  6. Sebutkan minimal 3 peran khusus  Brainware Komputer sebagai  Konsumen User Komputer secara Umum ? Contohnya ?
  7. Sebutkan minimal 3 peran khusus  Brainware Komputer sebagai  User Komputer sebagai Programmer ? Contohnya ?
  8. Sebutkan minimal 3 peran khusus  Brainware Komputer sebagai  User Komputer yang berasal dari Kelompok White Hacker ? Contohnya ?
  9. Sebutkan minimal 3 peran khusus  Brainware Komputer sebagai  User Komputer yang berasal dari Kelompok Black Hacker (Cracker) ? Contohnya ?
  10. Sebutkan minimal 3 peran khusus  Brainware Komputer sebagai  User Komputer yang berasal dari Kelompok Helper Hacker (Preacker) ? Contohnya ?
  11. Sebutkan hikmah yang diperoleh usai  mengerjakan Tugas di atas  !

PSP,"B ! "  (Pada Saat Pengerjaan,"Berseriuslah !)

Tugas 2. OS-Booting-Shutdown-Labels

Kelas X Semester 1 Kompetensi Dasar 1.1. Bentuk Tugas Individu Lama Tugas 1 Minggu

Petunjuk Kerja :

  1. Kerjakan di Blog Anda masing-masing sebagai Postingan Hasil Kerja Anda Sendiri !
  2. Sebelum klik PUBLISH POST (Terbitkan Entri/Postingan), buatlah Kelompok Topiknya (Labels) ! Lihat contohnya !


  1. Jelaskan minimal 3 perbedaan antara Cool Booting dengan Warm Booting !
  2. Sebutkan secara urut dan bijaksana Cara Booting Komputer sampai masuk kondisi siap diperintah oleh Computer User !
  3. Sebutkan secara urut dan bijaksana Cara Menyimpan Dokumen secara aman, misalnya Ms Office Word ! Oleh sebab itu, buatlah Dokumen singkat hanya 13 baris ! Topik bebas yang penting etis dan bagus !
  4. Sebutkan Cara Menutup Lembar Halaman Kerja, misalnya Ms Office Word yang benar, aman dan bijaksana dari Dokumen yang telah Anda buat pada Soal Nomor 3 di atas !
  5. Sebutkan Cara Menutup Lembar Halaman Kerja Bergaya Rampok Edan dari Dokumen yang telah Anda buat pada Soal Nomor 3 di atas !
  6. Sebutkan Cara Keluar dari Lembar Halaman Kerja yang benar, aman dan bijaksana atas Dokumen yang telah Anda buat pada Soal Nomor 3 di atas ! Jelaskan manfaatnya  ! 
  7. Sebutkan Cara Keluar dari Lembar Halaman Kerja Bergaya Rampok Gila atas Dokumen yang telah Anda buat pada Soal Nomor 3 di atas ! Jelaskan bahayanya !  
  8. Sebutkan secara urut dan bijaksana Cara Shut Down (Turn Off) ! Jelaskan Manfaatnya ! 
  9. Sebutkan Cara Shut Down (Turn Off) Model Rampok Edan bin Gila ! Jelaskan bahayanya !
  10. Sebutkan hikmah dari 9 Tugas di atas !
  11. Sebutkan manfaat membuat Labels Postingan !

* PSPB 2x  (Pengharapan SUHU,"Pekerjaanmu Bagus Plus Selanjutnya,"Pengetahuaannya Berkembang") *

Senin, 08 November 2010

Evaluation Of Semester 1

A. Multiple Choice

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. D
12. B
13. B
14. E
15. D
16. C
17. A
19. B
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. E
28. C
29. A
30. C

B. Essay

1. Explain the proper  way turn a computer on and off!
2. Name several categories of application software!
3. Explain briefly about computer operation!
4. What is the abbreviation and the function of ROM?
5. Name word processing software from Windows Vista operating system!
6. Name types of flash memory that you know!
7. Name three examples of computer network topology!
8. What are the ethics in using ICT device in the places ownship?
9. Name aspects to be aware of in using a cellphone!
10. Describe the advantages of using genuine software!


1. a. Here are the steps to turn on a cumputer:
       > Ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected.
       > Turn on the CPU by pressing the on or Power button an the casing.
       > Turn on the monitor by pressing the On or Power button on the monitor.
       > Wait until the booting procedure is finished, which is shown by the dekstop appearance on the  monitor           screen.
   b. Here are the steps to turn off a computer:
      > Close all active application programs.
      > Click the start button on the dekstop menu.
      > Click the Shut Down button.
      > Wait a moment until the computer is shutting down.
2. a. Word Processor (Office Suite).
    b. Graphic Suite.
    c. Multimedia.
    d. Web Browser.
3. Computer works as follows
    * User inputs data into CPU.
    * Data is processed in the CPU.
    * The result will be shown on the output device, such as a monitor or a printer.
4. ROM ( Read Only Memory)
    ROM is to save computer operation program, such as BIOS and booting.
5. a. Word Processor
    b. Ghrapic Suite
    c. Multimedia
    d. Web Browser
6. There are several types of flash memory, such as CF, SD, MMC, Memory Stick, an xD.
7. a. Bus Topology
   b. Star Topology
   c. Ring Topology
8.To avoid ICT device and To switch into silent or vibrate mode
9. - Use a handfree device to reduce the electromagnetic wave.
    - Do not use the cellphone while driving.
    - Do not use cellphone on a plane.
    - Do not use a cellphone in a gas station.
10. a. Free application software updates
      b. Official technician support  
      c. Upgrade discount
      d. Software manual
      e. Guaranteed free from virus and spyware

Senin, 01 November 2010


 A. Multiple Choice

1. A
2. E
3. D
4. A
5. E
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. A

B. Essay
1. Name several factors that make someone prefer using illegal softwares.
2. Describe the difference between ethics and morality in the society.
3. What is meant by the patent rights of a product?
4. Explain the correct position / posture to use a computer
5. What is the abbreviation of HAKI?

1. *Low income, Low education level, The cost of a permit or licensed software is relatively
     expensive, Low law enforcement, Lack of awareness to use genuine software.
2.*Ethics are a concept of acknowledgement by the society towards human thoughts, which means
     that this concept evolves following men's true values. Whereas, morality is a code of conduct or a
    common conception of what is right according to the society.
3.*Exclusive rights granted by the State to an Inventor of the Invention in the technology, which for a
    given period Invention implement their own or to give consent to another party to implement them.
4.*The good sitting position is to sit on a seat with a back-rest, and the head is not so high in order to
     keep the linear distance with the monitor. The good viewing distance between a monitor and the
     eyes is around 46-47 cm.
5.*Hak Cipta dan Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual

Chapter 2 Understanding Function And Operation Of Various Information And Comunication Technology Device

A. Multiple Choice

1.   A
2.   C
3.   B
4.   B
5.   E
6.   E
7.   C
8.   B
9.   A
10. C

B. Essay

1. In ASCII code, by what code is letter W represented?
2. Name and explain all supporting device inside a CPU?
3. What is the abbreviation and the function of ROM?
4. Name three examples of network interface cards.
5. Name several cables that use on a wired network.

1. The letter W is represented by the number code 87.
2. a. Control Unit is to translate commands or intructions in a series and then to the entire computer parts.       This part is how the processor controls the entire computer operation.
    b. Arithmetic Logic Unit ( ALU ) is to process data by adding, subtsracting, comparing, and using logical formulas.
    c. Memory is to collect or to store data to run an application program.
3. ROM ( Read Only Memory ) is a permanent memory that can be read but cannot be updated. ROM is to save computer operation progam, such as BIOS and booting.
4. Ethernet, arcnet, token ring.
5. a. Thin Ethernet (thinnet), has an advantage in terms of the relatively cheaper cost compared to other types of cabling and the installation of components easier.
Thick Ethernet (Thicknet), with Thick Ethernet or thicket number of computers that can be connected in  a network will be more and the distance between the computers can be enlarged.
Twisted Pair Ethernet, divided into 2 types of shielded and unshielded.
Fiber Optic, Fiber Optic network using (FOR) are usually large companies, due to price and installation process more difficult.

Senin, 27 September 2010

Ah Sekedar Contoh

Pingin Sukses Perbanyak Belajar
Hai kawan-kawan ini ada kisah menarik yang bisa bikin geleng-geleng hidung
kambing berkokok
bebek mengaung
anjing mengeong
kucing mengaung
Amiril menggonggong dan mengaung
Puput menggonggong dan bertelur
Adhika mengaung dan mengeong

Evaluation of Chapter 1

Senin, 27 September 2010

Eva Bab 1

Evaluasi Bab 1
A. Multiple Choice
1. a
2. c
3. e
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. b

B. Essay
Answere the following questions correctly.
1. How to turn on computer properly?
2. What do you know about the Reset button?
3. Name several ways to open an application in Windows Vista.
4. What is Office Suite? Mention examples of Office Suite.
5. Name several examples of application system that is compatable with Windows
Vista operating system.

1. * Ensure that are power cable in a computer are connected.
* Turn on the CPU by pressing the On or Power button on the cassing.
* Turn on the monitor by pressing the On or Power button on the monitor.
* Waiting until the booting procedure finishes.
2. Reset button is only used if the computer crashes or hangs.
3. a. By Using Shortcuts on the Desktop.
A shortcuts is usually created on the desktop when installing a software.
We can open an application easily by using this shortcut. Just
double-click the application shortcut that we want to run.
b. By Using Start Menu
Start menu contains shortcuts to all installed softwares in the
computer. There are two ways to access an application from Start Menu:
• Start Menu → All Programs → Application Folder → click on the
• Start Menu → Type the appliction name in the Start Search column and
press Enter.
c. By Using the Related Document
Windows Vista will automatically run the related application to open a
document file by double-clicking the file. For instance, Word document
file will run the Microsoft Office Word application, while Excel document
will automatically run the Microsoft Office Excel.
4. Word Processor ( Office Suite)
Word Processor is software for documenting letters, books, reports, thesis,
work papers, etc. For example, Microsoft Office 2007, Open, and
5. ~ Office Suite,
~ Graphic Suite,
~ Multimedia,
~ Web browser,
~ Notepad,
~ Wordpad,
~ Paint,
~ Windows Media Player 11,
~ Internet Explorer 7